
Nutrients, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories

Maple syrup has the same antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as that other “star” health food, green tea. It contains many nutrients.
The properties of maple syrup are believed to have a positive effect on cancer and diabetes. In addition, the polyphenols present in the syrup help maintain correct blood sugar levels in diabetics. However, their real short- and long-term effects have yet to be demonstrated.

No colorants or additives

Maple syrup, like all natural products, contains no colorants or additives.

Low glycemic index

Researchers have also compared the glycemic index of different types of carbohydrates (sugars). They found that consumption of maple syrup caused a lower rise in blood glucose than that observed for white sugar, corn syrup or brown rice syrup, and gave it a low glycemic index, as did honey, molasses and agave syrup.

Other possible benefits of maple water?

Some specialists are interested in the plant hormones contained in maple water, notably abscisic acid and phaseic acid. These hormones normally stimulate plant growth and are found in high concentrations in maple water. Studies on laboratory-grown muscle cells show that these plant hormones promote glucose uptake by muscles, without the need for additional insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. This greater “tolerance” of glucose by the muscles could thus contribute to better glycemic control and protection of the pancreas’ insulin production function.


Unlike certain synthetic products whose only purpose is to embellish a dish or modify its taste or aroma, maple products are natural foods with appreciable nutritional value.

Maple syrup contains :

  • 34.54%  water
  • 65.46%  solids

This last part is almost exclusively composed of carbohydrates, with the exception of 1% made up of :

  • 0.010% chlorine
  • 0.013% phosphorus
  • 0.110% calcium
  • 0.0103% iron
  • 0.008% manganese
  • 0.100% potassium
  • 0.410% various organic acids

It contains as much calcium as milk and only a tenth of the sodium found in honey. Also, because of its low sodium and high potassium content, maple syrup has become a sought-after product in the manufacture of diet products.

These facts undoubtedly contributed to Weight Watchers International’s decision to “legalize” maple syrup and include it in their recipes.

In the diet, it should be considered as a sugar, i.e. a source of energy. However, it has qualities that white sugar, refined to the extreme, no longer has. In particular, it has a flavor that makes it sought-after. It can be used instead of ordinary sugar to sweeten certain foods.


Calories per 100 gr.

Maple syrup: 241
Honey: 307
Sugar: 384